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Using the websites below, research the early settlement of Maryland.  This will help you to deteremine if the photograph is a primary or secondary source.  Make sure you have evidence to support your answer.  In addition to your research, you will need to critically analyze each source/website using the 5 W's.


Exploration and Settlement - This website also has credible information about the exploration and settlement of Maryland.  This site meets most requirements on the checklist.

Maryland History - This website appears to have factual information, but is not terribly professional.  It has random links to businesses, and has large gaps in the text.  It does list some of its resources, but does not give information on the contributors to the article or any significant credentials.

Settlement -  This website is chosen because it gives very little detailed information on the settlement of Maryland, but is a rather reliable source. 



States - This website has information on all states in the United States and this particular site focuses on Maryland. 

Father White - This website was chosen because it will fit very few categories on the checklist for credibility, although it does appear to have a primary source entry written by Father White. 

Father White 2 - This website was chosen for this project because it represents a good evaluated resource, as well as give information for the student to evaluate the painting as a primary or secondary resources (date the first mass was celebrated in America). 

MD Native Americans Blog - This website was chosen because it gives very good information about the Native American Indians that were located in Maryland at the time of the settlement.  Because it is a blog, however, students will probably find it unreliable, but through in-depth research, they would be able to see its value.

Maryland - The State - This website does not appear to be as reliable as other more trustworthy sites and would be a good website for students to see if the information is exact. However, the creator of the website is an author and freelance writer who was born in Baltimore, MD. 

History of MD - This is a site that is a great example for the students to see if the websites they are using are reliable. Since anyone can edit this website at any time, it may be unclear how accurate this information is. 

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